First things first... Click below and APPLY!  Then sit back and breathe a sigh of relief and allow yourself to dream about the adventures that await you in the South of France.  Then, scroll a bit farther down for the Application Checklist link to see what additional documents you'll need to submit.  Visit the Forms & Docs tab for more information on each item.  Then dream some more.

*Online Application deadline (internship) - Friday, March 6, 2020*  ⤦⤦⤦⤦⤦
STUDENT APPLICATION - for American students traveling to France (Internship)

TEACHER APPLICATION - for American teachers traveling to France (Internship)

*Online Application deadline (study abroad) - Wednesday, April 1, 2020*   ⤦⤦⤦⤦⤦
STUDENT APPLICATION - for American students traveling to France (Year-long Study Abroad)

CHECKLIST FOR APPLICATION - This has a list of additional documents to submit after the online application process is complete.

PROGRAM COST BREAKDOWN - This is an estimated cost breakdown of the month-long internship in Montpellier.  Remember, you will be paid for your internship.  You will also receive credit for a 3-credit hour course.


  1. Nice! A valid passport is required to visit visa-free countries.Without a passport, you will not be able to enter any country. If the passport has not yet expired but has 7 months or less validity, the applicant can still apply in the renewal category. Here is the complete guide of Online Passport Renewal


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