First Day on the Job

What to expect the first day of work in a foreign country where you have to speak French all day?  Treat it like any other "first day on the job."
  • Show up on time.
    • Leave the dorms in plenty of time to get there on the first day so you know how long it'll take you to get to work for the rest of your stay.
  • Dress professionally.
    • Business casual
  • Refresh yourself on how to introduce yourself and make small talk.
    • Je m'appelle, enchanté, il fait très chaud, etc.
  • Take whatever instruction and duty they may give you, without a fuss.  
    • You are the guest here.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to be helpful.  
    • They are counting on you to provide an extra hand while other employees take their vacation.
  • Don't complain if they don't give you the biggest project in the office.
    • They are not going to waste too much time training you when you'll only be there for 4 weeks.

Your new employer may have you sign a contract.  Feel free to read it over and ask any questions you may have.  Depending on your employer, you may be entitled to paid 2 days off (thank you, France!), but do not assume this to be the case.

Your new employer will also tell you about your hours of work.  Typically, they will be 08h30 to 17h00 with an hour or hour and a half lunch.  Use your lunch hour to explore restaurants around your workplace or eat with co-workers and have fun getting to know them!

You will be paid at the end of your 4-week employment.  Plan accordingly so that you have enough money to get you through the month before you are paid.  You'll be paid via direct deposit (see Forms and Docs tab for more information).

Purchase and bring with you a small gift from the US to offer your supervisor.  It can be something small and/or inexpensive such as a notebook with "Louisville" on the front, or a pen from the Muhammad Ali Museum with a boxing glove on the end.  We suggest you buy two-sets of gifts - one for your employer and the other for your host family.

If you have any problems with your job in France, first contact your direct supervisor.  If s/he cannot resolve your problem, talk with your UofL liason or to someone at La Maison des Relations Internationales.  


  1. Nice! A valid passport is required to visit visa-free countries.Without a passport, you will not be able to enter any country. If the passport has not yet expired but has 7 months or less validity, the applicant can still apply in the renewal category. Here is the complete guide of Online Passport Renewal


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