Laundry and Dry Cleaners

At some point during your stay, you'll have to do laundry.  Most likely several times.  How and where?

At the Dorms
  • There is a laundry room on-site at Les Arceaux.  There are a limited number of washers and dryers available to everyone.  The good news is, most of the regular students will be on summer break and not on campus, so there will be a better chance of being able to run a load or two.
  • Be mindful not to leave your wet or dry clothes in a machine for an extended period of time.  Your fellow students will be thankful that you aren't hogging the machines.  Each machine (wash and dry) typically takes about an hour each to complete.  
  • You'll need to pay for the usage of the machines as well as detergent and fabric softener.  You can purchase the soaps in the laundry room or buy your own.  Plan on doing at least 4-6 loads while you're there, possibly more if you have beach towels or don't bring too many clothes.  The machine takes either cash or credit card.  
  • Stick your clothes in an empty washer or dryer first.  Go to the machine on the wall and select the product you want.  If you're using the detergent and fabric softner there, purchase those first.  Then select the machine number you'll be using (which has your clothes already in it).  Each product/service is a separate transaction.  

At a Laundromat
  • The machines at a public laundromat (une laverie) are bigger but you will have to cart your laundry back and forth.
Public Laundromat in France

Dry Cleaning
  • There are several dry cleaners (un pressing) located near Les Arceaux.  However, they may take a few days for your clothes to be ready.
Dry Cleaners in France


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